First of all, i'm sorry for always being "WOLS" updating my blog...
I shall annouce that today is my 23rd day working at a total new department...
"Catering Sales"
Kind of like this job and there is still alot alot for me to catch up...
i'm contented and proud that i've closed my first deal on my 2nd week!!
my client actually send a thank you note which really motivates me much...
Thank you :DD
I feel that i'm so lucky and fortunate as people around me always made me happy...
with my family, sisters, friends, colleagues and most important is my baby...
with these few people around MADE MY DAY!! :DD
(i'm even smiling when i'm typing, haha~! crazy)
I had alot of fun and laughters!!
i had an unforgettable holiday with baby and friends at redang island...
with my sisters and friends for my birthday partys celebration...
There's one thing that baby told me recently which i find it very meaningful...
"Life is fragile so cherish the people around you"
I thank everyone whom shown concern and care to me, i appreciate deeply in my heart!!
Today, baby's mama brought us to see a fengshui master at "Fu Lu Shou"
The master said that i'm a freckled minded person as i had alot of things in my mind to do which was very very true and we had a long talk for about one and a half hour...
about my career and studies...
she somehow shattered my dreams which is something that i really wanna try out...
I've decided to further my studies next year so i'm gonna enjoy myself till end of the year first and start to strive for my future...
BKK soon, haha
i love DEC'09 ♥
Beautiful pictures taken from redang island!!
i will never forget this experience as it is my very first time in my life floating in the ocean looking at the nature.
Feeding the fishes and swimming around me...
(how i wish that i could swim :<)
Hokkien Mee Uncles...
i love the sea and redang island~!
the sand was so smooth and you can even see small fishes swimming to the shore~!!
Our airbrush tattoo!! ♥
Ms Butterfly
(now my butterfly flew away leaving its mark there :D)
Ms Tribal
walking around and finding entertainment...
playing with the sands
our first group pic, self took ♥

More More Tea Inn ♥
pirates and the caribbean
(no idea why it was there??)
josh & geraldine
Let us sing a song, lalalalala
i love pao pao cha~!!
this is the what baby, jeremy and terence pk on the 1st night
our entertainment, end up drinking and dancing along the beach~!!
"Day 2 and we are all cooked"
was slacking in the room playing cards and a nap before dinner~!!!
while waiting for our food~!!
After dinner and redang dance, waking up at 7am the next morning~!!
our happy feets & friendship band!! ♥
Goodbye Redang Island, we will come back again~!!
See effect before and after
(josh's hat flew away to the ocean)
group coming back to sg
"Yeah, BBK we are coming"
bus journey of 9hours
watching movie, playing psp and sleeping in the bus is the only thing we could do :DD
my 23rd birthday celebration ♥
Dinner with family and party with my girls!!
thanks people for attending and making my day a special one...
muacks muacks to everyone!! ♥♥
Missy Happy!!
its Mr Paul's actual Birthday too!!!
loving my baby so much...
thank you for bringing happiness and the best of you ♥♥♥
my special friend, Aiyun was here to wish me and i'm so happy to see her :DD
miss her much, BFF since pri sch :DD
winnie jiejie attended my b'day party too, hehe
you're always the best :>
my group of crazy girls :D
xx, amelia, audrey, yp & sin
with winnie, kat, cc, audrey
karen, wen, joanna and min
shuhui & melissa
huiyun, tian, vin, jiayun
my coyote girls :>
baby's friends
crazy moment :)
ya, i dun have any recall of this moment at all
they are so gay, birthday kisses~!!
Happy 21st Birthday to Jie Leng ♥
Celebration at her place!!
Party people at PMCC
i love my friends and all of them ♥
twenty-one, twenty one...
sweetie Jie Leng's 21st and we had lots of games...
PMCC is just like our 2nd home...
we can drink, sing, dance, gossip, camwhore, play mj, play billiard, play cards, etc
we love lying on each other ♥
peace :DD
we all love this moment!!
my best companions and sisters in my life ♥
love them both much :DD
with baobei ♥
Birthday Celebrations with baby's family ♥
Porridge Buffet at Quality Hotel
Happy Birthday Uncle Choon Kiat...
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