Key to our heart, love at hard rock!! ♥
3+6+3 = "爱你"
A date with baby for our 4th anniversary celebration...
Hard Rock Hotel & USS @ RWS !!
On this special day, you made me the happiest girl in the world!!
Thats' the way we are, we grew together!!
Our souls with a single thought and our hearts that beat as one...♥♥
3rd year, love at shang ♥
the 2nd year whereby you gave me the sweet surprise which cant get me to sleep for the whole night!! Love at Ritz!! ♥
1st year at singapore river,
love at Fullerton!!♥

My rainbow whom colours and brightens my day...

Yes, its you!! I ♥ U
Baby's 25th Birthday!!
a mini surprise b'day at my place over CNY...
A snapshots with all, cheers :D
with my happy family, HUAT AH!!