After Saturday class went to have my hair trimmed at "summer" and as you can see there's actually not much changes!! haha...
(Seriously, i wonder what other hairstyles suits me?)
Waraku with xx, lian, ben and yun !
me and yun having a big bowl of noodles! haha :DD
we were having too many cammys around !
i'm so so so happy that night coz finally everyone is present!!
and OMG i'm now addicted to "Sabai Sabai"!!
Screening Room at Ann siang road and the place was awesome but but
just a little too hot coz we were like sweating non-stop!!
(roof top bar)
our group photos ! ♥
first row from left to right: cecilia, ben, daqi, alvin, xx, huiyun, jieleng
back row from left to right: ver, wen, sha, lian, tian, min
cheers for our sistership for tons of years ! ♥
as usual, short hair vs long hair :D
pardon me ! i'm just acting like wen coz she was dead drunk the previous night and she look exactly like that :)
Sabai Sabai
(Relax Relax)

Haha, persuaded everyone to go "SABAI SABAI" and guess who i met??
my 小情人, Ah Yang!!!
(e one whom share my little secrets, i miss her so much as we used to lie on one another bed to talk about our secrets)
i cant describe my happiness that night!!
Ah Yang & Wen!! ♥
ben and yun
my soul and my everything!! love her to the max till forever! ♥
i'm almost there! give me another 10 glass and i'll be in heaven!!
vin disturbing us!! ♥
she's ignoring me