it was a real crazy thursday night with over 30 girls at sabai sabai...
we took a total of about 180 pictures that night
i actually agree with wen that we are lucky that these days we dont use cameras with the films type coz we would need at least 4 rolls for that night...
we have lots of funs and laughters that night...
most important thing is most were all high that night...
pics whereby all were still sober :D

alvin brought his gang down too... Ah nei was there too, its been years i last seen him...
alvin always like to "chap ji ka" haha
hey man!!! dun you know we are taking pics?? Damn extra lo...
close up view with sally and girls...
divers only...
ben break record... she actually blow that night??
OMG, we are all so addicted to sabai and blowing...
sheila and keith were there too...
world is such small...
all friends linked...
love this 2 pics the most... although we were high but still can take nice pics...
there goes the shot taken...
with lots of long lost friends...
its like a mini sjcians' gathering...
karen, wen, yun, sha and me... ♥
with beloved karen!! ♥
with peishi... (friends cum working colleagues) ♥
fong, sally, min, kelly ♥
tian, yun, min, ben and me ♥
min, tian, rachel, wen, ben, sha and me ♥
haiy!! too many names to type out le la...
vanessa, sally, caihong, kelly
min with vin and peishi ♥
spot our legs!! ♥
Liying and min's instructor ♥
with emily ♥
candid shots again!! ♥
the crazy girls ♥
liangyi, jane, jillian were there too...
after that charmaine and zixun came and look for us...
we saw jac and zuanqi with dennis (wenjun's) there too... (seated just beside our table)